Outdoor 4G Antenna
Do you use a 4G router indoors where there is a poor 4G mobile broadband network signal but have good 4G signal outdoors?
The Fullband® MIMORAD® 4G Antenna is the ideal solution.
Simply position the MIMORAD® antenna outdoors in a position where you receive a 4G service and run the antenna cables to the inside of the building and connect them to the antenna ports of your 4G Router.
By using the MIMORAD® 4G Antenna in conjunction with your router you can get the best service possible from your mobile network provider which all depends upon your location in relation to the base station and the number of simultaneous users. The MIMORAD® Antenna is omni-Directional so does not needed to be pointed at a particular cell site – as long as it it located in a sposition where there is a 4G network service then is will receive that signal and deliver it along the antenna cables to the 4G router.
if you don’t have a 4G service then the MIMORAD® antenna is a Fullband antenna which means that it covers all the UK and European 2G, 3G and 4G mobile network frequencies so can be used with 3G routers as well as 4G routers, and if you are using a 4G router then in most cases if 4G is unavailable then your 4G router will drop to 3G and use 3G, so the Fullband® MIMORAD® 4G Antenna also works when your router connects at 3G or 2G.
When installing the MIMORAD® Aerial you should mount it in a location where it can receive the best mobile network signal, ideally on the side of the building that points to the mobile base station you are using. If you don’t know where the base station is then you can move the antenna to different sides of the building or corners of the building to determine which location gives the best service. of course this is a trial and test method and may take some time but once you have done it then you should be able to receive a reliable 4G signal.
You can also install the MIMORAD® higher up above the roof line so it will be unobstructed by the building altogether and this way you should get the optimum performance, but in many cases this will mean that you have to use antenna extension cables to extend the length in order to reach the router location. You can use up to 20m cable runs with the MIMORAD® but this is based upon the antenna being positioned where there is a very strong mobile signal. if the signal is medium or weak where the antenna is located then the antenna cable should only have 5m or 10m extensions.
if you want to know the location of the mobile network base stations you should visit this 4G Support page which gives details of Mast Data.
An alternative to extension cables would be to locate the 4G router closer to the antenna, maybe in the roof space, as long as there is a power supply to provide power to the 4G router. You can then use a long Ethernet cable run up to 100m to deliver a wired 4G service to your network distribution point or network hub.
If the case of a 4G WiFi service where the router is installed close to the antenna you could of course run an Ethernet cable to your network hub and deploy a separate WiFi solution which connects to the Ethernet or you could use WiFi repeaters to extend the range of the 4G router WiFi.
We hope this quick guide to using the Fullband MIMORAD antenna was of use.